Auditor details

Mr Manyanda Maziku
Certification number
Web site


SchemeGradeExpiry dateVersion
Quality ManagementAuditor01/05/20272015
No information available
Industry sectors
Short biography
Manyanda is an experienced management systems consultant, auditor and trainer for ISO 9001, with strong abilities in performing business performance assessments. He got trained and qualified by SGS which is one of the global leading certification company. Manyanda has gained practical experiences in areas of quality, environment, energy, business continuity and safety from a cross sector of companies, Including Barrick, Diageo, SGS, Millicom and Alistair Group where he worked in senior roles. He graduated from the University of Dar as Salaam, with Commercial and Education Degrees, possessing extensive post degree training in manufacturing excellence, supply chain, learning, training and assessment with various institutions in Tanzania, Mozambique, Australia, UK and South Africa.